In our latest interview, we sat down with Chloe Powery-Doxey, Miss Universe Cayman Islands, to find out what her thoughts are on the etiquette training she received from Minerva.

How would you describe your training with Minerva?

Chloe: It was lovely – a word that I’ve learned to use. It really was! The people I’ve met, my Minerva coaches, have all been delightful and the training has enlightened me so much. I take it with me wherever I go and I use it every day to the best of my ability. I even sometimes want to correct other people! If anyone else is reading this, I strongly advise getting etiquette training with Minerva. It would really help improve yourself and it could change your life.

Did your training enhance your confidence ahead of the pageant, and if so, in what ways?

Chloe: Absolutely. I’m pretty shy and coming to Minerva helped a lot. I got more refined and I felt more prepared, especially coming from a small country to be with all the other international ladies. 

What topic specifically did you find the most helpful?

Chloe: I think my number one was deportment: how you walk, how you place your chin and your head. That was a big one for me. When I got to the competition in Louisiana and saw how these beautiful, stunning ladies carried themselves, I was able to remind myself of all the tips: “Okay, put those shoulders a little bit more back here, bring your chin up etc.”. 

Another important one for me was learning how to introduce, how the person of importance must go first. I think that was a lovely skill to learn. I love simple things like that and that one struck a chord with me.

Which etiquette lesson did you find the most challenging?

Chloe: Speaking. How you speak really matters. Expressing myself is a challenge because the tone of how you speak and what you say to people matters a lot. I always remember this one quote “Words create and destroy Worlds”. Etiquette is not just about being polite but being considerate.

I also found learning to master stairs difficult. I kept remembering the right way, and I was so worried about falling.

What about the most fun lesson?

Chloe: The most fun? I enjoyed learning about everything… I think the one I enjoyed most was walking with the books on my head.

Which lesson was the most relevant to the pageant?

Chloe: Communication. Especially when we’re getting to do a lot of interviews and social media posting, so my recommendation is to place emphasis on that with the next Miss Cayman.

Are there any skills or tips you've learned that help you in your daily life?

Chloe: Treating everyone with kindness but I believe this training has changed me in so many other ways. I am often told I am more refined. People in my life are starting to see that change as well – even the Premiere at the last governmental event told me so. This is such a great compliment to my efforts.

Would you recommend Minerva Cayman to give future Miss Universe contestants etiquette training?

Chloe: 100%! Yes!

Do you think Minerva's training will be useful to find a new job?

Chloe: Of course. The training you get is basically a ticket for life. When you have this platform plus the training from Minerva, put that together, it’s remarkable how you will become so confident. An employer would see it too. I think Minerva can help a lot of young women with that.
